Pillsbury’s Place

On December 26, 2014 All About Animals Rescue accepted a cat into our program named Pillsbury. He was a huge red and white loving male kitty on the euthanasia list and we called him a “Christmas Save.” When we tested him for the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) we found him positive and immediately started seeking facts about this disease. We could not imagine euthanizing this beautiful soul for this issue.
Fortunately our veterinarian was up to date on the latest research and helped us understand that this kitty was no danger to any others in the rescue. Pillsbury, our awesome doughboy, began a program that now helps numbers of felines with FIV+ status find great homes.

Almost a year later Pillsbury was adopted by his foster family, The Pagnottas. Animal lover, Nate, was able to officially call him his own on December 25, 2015. On February 19, 2016 Pillsbury was stricken with a severe medical issue involving his liver and was not able to survive this issue. Coincidentally, this disease had NOTHING to do with FIV.
Pillsbury was the very reason for saving felines that were FIV+ so we think it only fitting that we name the program after him. Pillsbury’s Place is our newest program that saves FIV+ cats from euthanasia lists. Please help us find home for these very deserving cats and honor our special boy Pillsbury.
The following fact sheet will provide clarity about integrating these cats into your home. We hope you will see that these wonderful felines deserve a chance at a full life as much as every cute kitten you see.
FIV+ Cat Facts
Cats who test positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are often euthanized or are considered unadoptable. In fact, cats who test positive for FIV usually live long, healthy lives and do not infect other household pets.
“FIV is mainly passed from cat to cat through deep bit wounds,the kind that usually occur outdoors during aggressive fights and territorial disputes – the perfect reason to keep your cat inside.”
– The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
“Casual non-aggressive behavior” does not spread FIV. “Cats in households with stable social structures […] are at little risk for acquiring infections.”
– Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Multiple medical studies show that cats who test positive for FIV live just as long as FIV-negative cats.*
“FIV itself does not cause server clinical signs, and FIV infected cats live many years without any help problems.”
– Hartman, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2011
A cat can pass on FIV by living with other household cats, sharing water bowls and cleaning each other.
FIV is only transmitted through deep blood-drawing bit wounds. FIV+ cats can have happy lives in socialized multi-cat homes.
FIV+ cats will become ill and die at an early age.
FIV+ cats do not have higher incidence of illness, and live the same lifespan as non FIV+ cats.