Volunteer to Foster
Interested in becoming a foster parent?

All About Animals Rescue can only do the work of saving lives by having loving foster care for dogs and cats in their homes. Being a foster parent is challenging, but extremely rewarding as well. You are responsible for saving an animals.
Saving a life means much more than in-taking an animal into the rescue. Intake is the first step. The animal then needs vetting, exams, time, love and finally a great adoption to truly be rescued. And that means Y.O.U.
We strive to support our fosters in every way. We will provide food, supplies, vetting and advice. You supply the transport and TLC.
Are you ready?
Foster parents save lives:
Each foster family saves the lives of many animals by giving them a chance at a better life. Your foster animal may have lived a difficult life before coming to your home, but love and attention will help get the animal ready for a permanent home.
Make your home pet friendly:
Before bringing a foster animal home, make sure you pet proof your home. For example, remove poisonous plants cover electrical wires, and protect furnishings. Keep the animal’s room a comfortable temperature. Also, take steps to prevent the animal from escaping.
Keep YOUR pets up to date on their vaccinations:
All animals should be current on vaccinations that will protect them from diseases. Before you bring a foster animal home, consult your vet to make sure that your own animals have received the preventative treatment they need to keep them safe.
Learn as much as you can about pet care:
Before bringing your foster animal home, learn as much as you can about caring for that particular type of animal. Read about feeding, grooming and training. Learn the warning signs that may indicate the animal may need vet attention.
Be prepared to make some financial commitments:
AAA tries to assist with food and supplies for fosters. We receive donations of food frequently and we inform fosters so that they can utilize the donations instead of purchasing food. Be sure to ask us if you need assistance with food and supplies.
Recognize your limits:
Fostering requires a great deal of time and energy both emotional and physical. Don’t overextend yourself by fostering too many animals too frequently or you may burn out. AAA recommends that new fosters start with one or two animals until they are comfortable with fostering.
Understand that some foster animals will not survive:
Many animals arrive at AAA with unknown backgrounds. Despite your best efforts the animal you are fostering may develop a severe illness that cannot be remedied with treatment. Do the best that you can to help the animal but keep in mind you may need to accept that you cannot save them all.
Understand the requirements to become a foster care provider:
These are listed in the job description, but keep in mind that you need to:
- Have the support of all the individuals living in your home
- Have consent of your landlord if you rent
- Complete the foster care provider form
- Have your own pet(s) current on all vaccinations
- Commit to keeping the animal until it is adopted.
- Understand that AAA is not responsible for any damage or injury done by a foster animal in your care
Foster Agreement
Please submit to our email address at: allaboutanimalsaz@gmail.com